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太阳照常升起英文版简介:《The Sun Also Rises》is the first major novel by Ernest Hemingway. Published in 1926, the plot centers on a group of expatriate American citizens and British subjects in continental Europe during the 1920s. Hemingway melds Paris to Spain; vividly depicts the running of the bulls in Pamplona; presents the symmetry of bullfighting as a place to face death; and blends the frenzy of the fiesta with the tranquility of the Spanish landscape. It is often described as Hemingway's best novel.It was published by Scribner's in October 1926. The first edition had a print-run of 5090 copies sold at $2.00 per copy. In British editions, the title of the novel is Fiesta. 太阳照常升起英文版全文

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